Wolf Gugler & Associates, Limited www.wolfgugler.comResume TipsI have seen resumes in every way, shape and form. Most resumes that people send me have typos, they’re unprofessional or they have misspelled words. They just don’t do a good job in representing that person.I’m going to take you through some basic tips on how to write a […]
Work From Home Remotely and Effectively
Many workers are now being mandated to work from home; some are accustomed to this while others have never done this before. The linked article provides five common sense ideas to ensure you’ll make the most out of your work from home experience. https://www.staples.com/content-hub/productivity/remote-worker-checklist-tools-for-a-more-productive-offsite-team?cid=OPT_EM_&utm_medium=Institutional&utm_term=WFH_EMAIL_LEARNMORE&utm_source=0CF39C056EB35A7B0B3A1C13CE137AFF_20200317_D_RET_OMNI_ALL_WFH#.XnDxzkG6gK4.linkedin